Corazon de diablo.				Evil hearted you.
Siempre me intentas rebajar,			You always try to put me down,
Con las cosas que haces, 			With the things you do,
Y las palabras,					And words,
Que difundes contra mi.				You spread around against me.

Corazon de diablo.				Evil hearted you.
Seguiras engaņadome,				You kept kidding me along,
Con tu falsa sonrisa, 				With your phoney smile,
Y tus canciones de sirena			And with your siren song
Sonriendo, engaņando,				Smiling, beguiling,
Coqueteas conmigo hasta que no hay esperanza,	You lead me on until all hope is gone,
Respondiendo, degradando,			Persuading, degrading,
De rodillas intento agradarte.			On my knees I try to please.

Pero te quiero,					But I love you,
Sin embargo,					Just the same,
Y te						And I want you
Deseo piedad,					To remain,
A mi lado,					By my side,
Y veras						And you'll see
Lo que significas				Just how much you mean
Para mi.					To me.

Corazon de diablo.				Evil hearted you.
Siempre me intentas rebajar,			You always try to put me down,
Con las cosas que haces, 			With the things you do,
Y las palabras,					And words,
Que difundes contra mi,				You spread around against me,
Sobre mi.					About me.

Que harias sin mi,				What would you do without me,
Sonriendo, engaņando,				Smiling, beguiling,
Coqueteas conmigo hasta que no hay esperanza.	You lead me on until all hope is gone.

		Pixies						Graham Gouldman
"Evil Hearted You" was a hit written by Graham Gouldman and released as a single in 1965. Funny here is that the original song was in English. So this is really a translated cover.

"A great Gouldman song done so well by the Yardbirds. We did it in Spanish, and to Gouldman's credit, he wouldn't let us release it until I got the translation right. It turns out Graham Gouldman speaks fluent Spanish. I finally got it close enough after consulting the cook at my local taqueria." -- Black Francis

"In the first take, I made a big mistake in Spanish. Fortunately, my publisher noticed it. What a shame it would have been in front of my Mexican friends!" -- Black Francis No info yet. WIP